Clarissa Krämer

Office hours:
by appointment

Research interests

  • Anomaly detection in clinical patient data
  • Application of machine learning in practice
  • Medical Informatics
  • Optimization of processes with machine learning


  • WT 2024/25: Coordinate the tutorial for the lecture "Web technologies and E-Business"
  • Since ST 2024: Supervise Pre-university program
  • Since ST 2024: Supervise Bachelor and Master theses


  • Since 05/2024
Research Assistant and Doctoral Candidate at the Chair of Information Systems and Business Administration, Prof. Dr. Franz Rothlauf
  • 10/2021 - 03/2024
Master of Science in Management (JGU Mainz)
  • 09/2022 - 01/2023
ERASMUS stay abroad Economics (SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland)
  • 10/2018 - 09/2021
Bachelor of Science in Digital Business Management (HSRM Wiesbaden)